Surname Saturday... Sherman Lewis Brown and the Columbus City Directories

I've enjoyed following my great-grandfather Sherman Lewis Brown through the Columbus, Ohio City Directories that can be found using . I had heard that after you use census records , that you should look into city directories to find out what happened between census entries. I didn't realize how much had happened to Sherman between those 10-year increments. Sherman Lewis Brown with his wife Emma Virginia Townsend and their two youngest sons Harry and Lew. Story Before City records: This is what I knew about Sherman Lewis Brown from Census records. First, until later in life, he could be found under the name Sherman or the name Lewis. 1890 US Census... he was 13 and living with his parents and siblings in Jefferson, Madison, Ohio. 1900 US Census... he was married to Emma and they had one child named Eugene. He worked as a day laborer and lived n Columbus, Ohio. In reviewing the record again, I realized something I missed before today. That Sherm...