Amanuensis Monday: Civil War Claimant Affidavit for William J Townson

Civil War Pension Claimant Affidavit, William J Townson
Civil War Pension Claimant Affidavit, William J Townson, Claim No 505.430

 State of Ohio, Franklin County SS.

In the matter of Invaled Pension Claim No 505.430 of William James Townson late private Co. “K” 133rd Redgement Ohio Inft. Vols. personally appeared before me John J Joyce Clerk of Cort Common Pleas in and for said County and State aforsaid William James Townson the above named Claiment who being by me first duley sworing according to law. States in relation to his claims as follows.

My Place of residence for the three years immedially preeding my enlistment in the above servis was in Madison Township Franklin County Ohio and my Post address was Groveport and my occupation during that period was a farmer upon my discharge from the above Servis I continued to reside in the same neighborhood up to the presant. I continued work at farmming at such times as I was physically able to work my disability was incured while I was with my Command 22 miles from New Creek Station West Verginia with Waggon Traim as Gard. I took Mumps and erysipelas. Set in with mumps which settled in my head and eys and from the affects of said mumps & erysipelas the doctor lanced my eys & doctor Crain Gave me Medicen twice before thy moved me to New Creek Station and put me in the hospittal at New Creek Station in the State of West V.a. I was treated in said hospital by Doc Craine that I do not no whether Doctor Craine is living or not & I no nothing of his where abouts. That Doctor Chainney & Doctor Saylor has both prescubed for me cince my discharge and they are the

Civil War Pension Claimant Affidavit, William J Townson
Civil War Pension Claimant Affidavit, William J Townson, Claim No 505.430

only Physicians that has treated me cine my discharge from said Servis and that I have never suffered from any attacks of acute disease of any kind cince the incurrence of my disability and what work I performed cince my discharge has been farming when it was that could see. that my eysSight is such that there is a Grate many Kinds of work on a farm that I cannot See to do that I can not work at such as plainting corne and Plowing. making fence and a grate many things. I cannont do on account of my eyes Sight being so baddly affected my right eye is almost intirely gone and my left eye is baddly affected an is Growing wass all the time and as to the time and dates of the manneal labor performed by me cince my discharge I cannont Give fully as I kept no account of the time what labor I did peform I done it Grate disadvnages that my labor has not been one forth of the time cince my dischage from the above survis.

Theo H Beck

William James Townson x (mark)

Sworen to and subseribed before me on this the 4th day of July A.D 1884
And I do hereby certify that the contents of the foregoing affidvid was read and fully made Knowen to the witness before Swaring him and I have no intrust direct or indirect in the prossecition of this claim.

John J Joyce Clerk Court of Common Pleas Franklin County Ohio
By William H Simonton Deputy

  • William J Townson was with Co K 133rd Regiment
  • William Townson had  mumps & erysipelas
  • He was sent to New Creek Station hospital in West Virginia
  •  He lived in Madison Township, Franklin County, Ohio for three years prior enlisting and after his discharge.
  • He was treated by Doctor Craine during his time at New Creek Station
  • He was treated by Doctor Chainney & Doctor Saylor afterward
  • He worked as a farmer prior to enlistment. He continued, as best he could, in farming after his discharge.
  • He was almost entirely blind in his right eye.
  • His farm labors included plowing, planting corn, building fences. 
  • Thos H Beck witnessed his written testimony

  •  What records exist of William James Townson prior to his service in the civil war in Marion Township, Franklin County, Ohio?
  • Who were Drs. Craine, Chainney & Saylor?
  • Who was Tho H Beck?
  • Was MOB Letter, really a mistranslation by me and someone else to pay attention to?


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