Amanuensis Monday: Last Image for William Townsend's File

This is the last image in the series of files I received from my Civil War ancestor William James Townsend. As you can see, there was so much information contained in these files. If you come across a Civil War ancestor, be sure to check out their Pension files.

Mary Townsend Widow's Pension
Return of Check and Plate Destroyed for Mary Townsend Widow's Pension

Paid @ $12 to June 4, 1916 Sept 23 1916
to the Chief, Finance Division:

You are hereby notified that check #2540745 for $36
dated Sep 4 1916 in favor of MARY TOWNSEND
post office GROVEPORT OHIO
certificate # 320542 ACT APR

Class Act April 19, 1908

Section 8 has been returned to this office by the Postmaster with the information that the pensioner died Aug 28 1916 and said check has the day been canceled.
Very respectfully
Disbursing Clerk

  • A check of $36, dated 4 Sep 1916 was returned to the Pension Office
  • The plate that helped print checks for Mary Townsend was destroyed
  • Essentially, the file was closed for William Townsend and his widow Mary.


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