Amanuenses Monday: Declaration for Widow's Pension June 1890

It seems that Mary (Clabaugh) Townsend of Franklin County, Ohio had to file a second Widow's Pension in 1890 following the one completed in November 1889 following her husband William James Townsend's death. (click here for previous pension file)

Declaration for Widow's Army Pension for Mary Townsend

Act of June 27, 1890

This Must be Executed Before a Court of Record or Some Officer Thereof Having Custody of its Seal.

State of Ohio, County of Franklin, ss:

ON THIS 5th, day of July, A.D. one thousand eight hundred and ninety personally appeared before me, a Deputy Clerk of the Common Pleas court, the same being a Court of Record within and for the County and State aforesaid, Mary Townsend, aged 43 years, a resident of the Town of Edwards Station, County of Franklin, State of Ohio, who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that she is the widow of William J Townsend who enlisted under the name of William J Townsend at Groveport Ohio on the 2nd day of May A.D. 1864, in as a private of Company “K” 133 rd Ohio Inft Vols and served at least ninety days in the late war of the Rebellion, who was HONORABLY DISCHARGED at Camp Chase Ohio August 20, 1864, and died November 13, 1889

That she was married under the name of Mary Clabaugh, to said William J Townsend, on the 10th day of November 1864 by William Kyle JP at Franklin Co. Ohio there being no legal barrier to such marriage that neither herself or her husband had been married previous to this marriage to each other.

That she has not remarried since the death of the said William J Townsend.

That she is without other means of support than her daily labor. That names and dates of birth of all children now living under sixteen years of age of the soldier are as follows:

Harry Augustus Townsend, born February 27, 1875
Emma Virginia Townsend, born January 15, 1879
Samuel Leroy Townsend, born July 8, 1884
Ethel May Townsend, born September 27, 1887

That she has heretofore applied for pension and the number of her former application is #422.500

That she makes this declaration for the purpose of being placed on the pension roll of the United States under the provisions of the Act of June 27, 1890. She hereby appoints

A H Addington of Columbus Ohio her true and lawful attorney to prosecute her claim. That her post office address is Edwards Station Franklin County, State of Ohio

Mary E Kleinlin
Cal Towsend
(Two Witnesses)

Mary Townsend
(Signature of Claimant)

Declaration for Widow's Army Pension for Mary Townsend
Declaration for Widow's Army Pension for Mary Townsend

Also personally appeared Mary E Kleinlin, residing at (left blank) and Cal Towsend, residing at Edwards Station, persons whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who, being by me duly sworn, say they were present and saw Mary Townsend claimant, sign her name (or make her mark) to the foregoing declaration; that they have every reason to believe from the appearance of said claimant and an acquainted with her of 27 years and 3 years, respectively, that she is identical person she represents herself to be; and that they have no interest in the prosecution of this claim.

Mary E Kleinlin
Cal Town(illegible)

Widow's Claim
Claimant Mary Townsend
Soldier Wm J Townsend
Service Co K 133rd Ohio Vols
Address Edwards Station Franklin Co, Ohio
Date of Execution July 5, 1890
Filed by A W Addington
Columbus, Ohio


  • Mary was 43 years old when she filed for this Pension on 5 July 1890 (her age was listed as 44 in the prior pension record)
  • Mary was a resident of Edwards station, Franklin, Ohio.
  • William had enlisted  as a private on 2 May 1864,  in Groveport, Ohio.
  • He served more than 90 days and was honorably discharged at Camp Chase  20 August 1864.
  • She married under the name of Mary Clabaugh to William on 10 November 1864 by the Justice of the Peace William Kyle in Franklin County, Ohio. (Neither had been previously married)
  • Birth dates for her children children Harry Augustus, Emma Virginia, Samuel Leroy, and Ethel May.
  • Her witnesses were Mary E Kleinlin and Cal Towsend. 
  • A.H. Addington is her Pension Attorney
  • Where is Edward, Franklin, Ohio?
  • Who is A.H. Addington?
  • Who is Mary E Kleinlin?
  • Who is Cal Townsend?
  • Why did the couple marry by the Justice of the Peace rather than a church?
  • Was anyone a witness to the marriage by the JP? 


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