Amanuensis Monday: Mary Townsend's Wife Affidavit

This installment of William James Townsend's Civil War pension file opens the  voice of Mary (Clabaugh) Townsend to me to an extent. I do not know if she wrote her affidavit. However, this is her testimony and I feel like she's speaking to anyone who would listen, not knowing that someday a great+ granddaughter would hear.

Civil War Widows Pension Mary Clabaugh Townsend
Mary (Clabaugh) Townsend's statement for Widow's Pension

State of Ohio
County of Franklin } SS.

In the matter of Pension Cliam No. 422.500
Mary Townsend widow of William J Townsend late of Co “K” 133rdReg't, Ohio Inft Vols.

Personally came before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, Mary Townsend, aged ___ years, NO. St.
Citizen of town of Edwards Station County of Franklin State of Ohio well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who, being duly sworn, declares in relation to aforesaid case as follows:

I am the claimant named above I am not able to furnish Public or Church record of the dates of Births of my children for the reason that there is no such record in existance. I have furnished the best testimony I am able to procure showing the dates of their births. Since the death of my husband I have sold off some little personal property left by him at his death and have bought a small house and lot in the village of Edwards Station Franklin Co, Ohio for which I agreed to pay four hundred dollars and of which amount I have paid two hundred and sixteen dollars and I yet owe one hundred and eighty four dollars with intrest at 8: from August 3, 1890 and for which payment I am relying on my claim for pension wherewith to pay. My said little house renders me no income but gives me a place for myself and children to live. I have no other property and no money only as I earn it by day work.

And she further say that her knowledge of the above facts is obtained from the following sources, viz: that she is the claimant and that he has no interest or concern in this matter.

Signature of Affiant Mrs Mary Townsend

US Pension Office stamp Jun 18 1891

  • Mary may not have been a church goer as there are not birth/baptism records recorded at a church. She also does not have any civil documents pertaining to the births of her children.
  • After her husband's death, she sold his property and bought a home in Edwards Station, Franklin, Ohio. The purchase date might have been 3 August 1890. Mary agreed to pay $400 dollars for the new home and had paid $216 prior to the pension claim. The balance is $184 with interest.
  • She's hoping to receive a pension to finish paying for the home.
  • She earns money as a day laborer.
  • Are purchase/sale records available for William's family home and Mary's home in Edwards Station?


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