Journey to the Past: Green Lawn Cemetery Section P

I had originally planned on going to section 35. I know this plot well and exactly where it is. I've been to it several times, most recently in January when my Grandmother was laid to rest. As I drove past the section, I could see from my car that my grandmother's stone was not in place. I already had photos of the other family members on the plot, so I decided I didn't need to visit the section.

So I drove to Section P. I was hoping to find my third-great grandfather Charles GORDON (1801 – 1873). He was buried on a plot jointly owned by George C Wolford and Oakman A Booker, his sons-in-laws. His wife Jane Fickle GORDON (1803-1865) was buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery in Worthington. I would attempt to visit her grave site the following day. I found it fascinating that Jane was buried on Spencer B Morgan's plot and Charles was buried on his sons-in-law's plot. Why not together? Or, do I have the wrong Jane GORDON. That would be for tomorrow to determine? 

Green Lawn Cemetery, Columbus, Ohio
Section P
(Oriented for north)

In searched all over. This section had a lot of blank spaces, perhaps where stones could have been but were no longer. It also had a lot of stones that were in very poor condition. In any case, I could not figure out the map and had a third thing to ask about in the office. Now I knew I was going to run into problems with that many difficulties. (This map has the information I'd later gather from the office.)

This is another installment in a lengthy multi-series post about the fantastic research trip I took to Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. If you're just joining the this series, you'll be able to see every post under the label Research Trip.


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